from within..
About Havening
“When an event or experience is perceived as traumatic
or very stressful it becomes immutably encoded,
often with life-altering consequences.
However, recent research from the field of neuroscience
has shown us how it’s possible to modify this encoding.
The Havening Techniques are methods which are designed
to change the brain, to de-traumatize the memory and permanently remove its negative effects
from both our psyche and body.”
- Ronald A. Ruden, M.D., Ph.D.
Introduction to the
"I cannot begin to explain the release I felt. Years of trauma left my body in one session. I felt lighter
and able to move forward with clarity.
Havening has done wonders for me." - Anon
"I was blown away by the immediate impact just
one session had on my inner experience, and lasting changes in my intimate relationship
and my life!" - G.W
"Life changing and freeing." - K.B
The Havening Techniques® are restorative and one-on-one.
With the ability to be just as effective online as in person.
Designed to help people in a few sessions, overcome problems
that are the outcome of traumatic or stressful life experiences. From recent advances in neuroscience, we can now heal the specific harm caused by these.
By depotentiating specific neurons in the brain, that activate
the traumatic part of a memory.. you can be freed to be more
wholly and happily you.
I am a Certified Havening Techniques practitioner committed to serving you and ongoing professional development.
'Free to be more myself'
"I'm experiencing more positive emotions." - Abha
"I'm more present, and in my heart. It does
make a difference." - Barbara
"I am no longer traumatised by dogs." - Hannah
"Amanda has a high level of awareness that is
refreshing.. ..a vehicle for transformation." - Manasi
"I use [self] Havening to come back to my centre"
- Lee
Negative things happen in life. And when we’re feeling resilient, life continues pretty much the same. Yet when our resilience is less or we're more vulnerable, the same event can hold stronger meaning for us.
'Sense of safety'
Then our super-brain encodes a direct chemical link to our Amygdala. So that in new situations, sub-conscious cues can stimulate us to be emotionally reactive (into Fight, Flight, Freeze) to instinctively keep us safe, though it is no longer necessary.
'Our efficient biology'
We may not recall specific events. Yet the new pathway produces consistent disproportionate reactions, in particular situations.
We may begin to notice negative impacts in our life and our peace of mind. Mind and body symptoms may include.. recurring or persistent anxiety; stress; tension; emotional dysregulation or increased negative reflection.
Havening is soothing and effective in safely remedying emotional problems from our past experiences.
Encoded experiences can guide and inform our executive decision making today. And may begin to feel burdensome, like layers of heavy robes that mask some of our natural shine.
'Though time has moved on, we may not be free
from layers of negative experiences'
The Havening process works for anyone of any age. While you simply experience soothing touch, and pleasant distractions.. I guide your subconscious in rewiring, and releasing emotional-charge from the memory. As your previous encoding is effectively (electro-chemically) reversed, the outcomes are lasting.
You will have more peace and space to respond to situations. Be able to be present and look ahead. No longer hostage to reacting from, or reliving negative emotions from past experiences.
'Gentle and rapid healing'
You are not re-traumatised in the course of a session. There is no need for focus on the problem, cause, or to feel distress for more than a moment. You can even choose not to share information in the session. Though Havening gives us an opportunity to be heard while feeling safe, and this can assist our healing process.
Support between Sessions
Self-compassion tools
In support of your journey, between sessions I can share take- away tools for nourishing body, mind and spirit. Including: Self-Havening, mindfulness., nervous system regulation.. and others.
My training, experience and compassion as your facilitator enable me to guide alongside you, as your inherent healing ability is at work. You'll feel a sense of safety and empathised with as your mind subconsciously reprocesses and recovers in the right way for you.
'Feel lighter and freer'
Many people need just one, or few sessions for a lasting outcome. After each Havening session, you are free to experience more balance and positivity in your emotions from the gentle, rapid healing that takes place. And take away empowering Self-Havening tools.
Havening does (and can also simply focus on) boosting our inner strength and ability to face any situation. Building on our positive neurological pathways reinforces our internal resources, for more natural resilience in life. The process also enables us to process grief, nurture hope and grow confidence.
‘More clarity and resilience’
In a Havening session I may utilise -
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Growth-Mindset | Positive psychology
Breath awareness
Social Permaculture
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Prayer (as requested)